
pile blanks Learn more about pile blanks

  • How to Improve the Survival Rate of Azalea in Pot Culture

    How to Improve the Survival Rate of Azalea in Pot Culture

    How to Improve the Survival Rate of Azalea in Pot Culture

  • Pile selection of the latest Chinan bonsai

    Pile selection of the latest Chinan bonsai

    Cunninghamia lanceolata is a wild evergreen shrub in the mountains of the south of the Yangtze River, which is rarely cultivated artificially. According to its ecological habits and biological characteristics, sowing and cutting propagation can be carried out. But to make bonsai, wild plants or old piles are often used. Mountain mining: in the mountains and hills of the south of the Yangtze River

    2020-11-10 The latest Chinan bonsai mining piles materials yes Jiangnan
  • Bonsai basic knowledge: bonsai new pile planting must master these three points

    Bonsai basic knowledge: bonsai new pile planting must master these three points

    The blank must be beaten before the new pile is planted, and the task of blank beating is: for the shaping of the complex tree pile, the pile should be examined from multiple angles and directions, and the best scheme should be determined from a variety of ideas. The blank must be beaten before the new pile is planted, and the task of blanking is: shaping.

  • The method of excavation and blank cultivation of Liudaomu bonsai

    The method of excavation and blank cultivation of Liudaomu bonsai

    There are many varieties of Liudaomu, which belongs to the family Ninjuriaceae. Because this plant is distributed in the central and southern parts of our country, it is very suitable for bonsai. The editor will introduce to you the methods of excavation and blank maintenance of six-way wood bonsai.

  • Pile sampling of Chinan bonsai

    Pile sampling of Chinan bonsai

    Pile sampling of Chinan bonsai

  • On the appreciation and creation of bonsai

    On the appreciation and creation of bonsai

    Appreciation can make the artistic conception of the work continue and develop, on the contrary, it can enrich and improve the perception ability of appreciation. So it can be said like this: without appreciation, what does it mean to create? In view of this, this paper talks about some phenomena in the creation of tree stump bonsai appreciation.

  • There is no hurry to play bonsai.

    There is no hurry to play bonsai.

    Bonsai is the art of life. The growth of potted plants should not destroy the growth pattern. Therefore, bonsai creation can only be gradual, not urgent. Experienced bonsai writers are talking about years of research and creation, even the use of pots.

  • Making method of Platycladus orientalis bonsai

    Making method of Platycladus orientalis bonsai

    Platycladus orientalis, Cyperaceae, Platycladus orientalis. Strong nature, no choice of soil, but slow growth, extremely long life, more than a thousand years of ancient cypress can be seen everywhere. The ornamental value of Platycladus orientalis bonsai is very high. To maintain its graceful posture, it must be sprayed when watering. Wash the dust and dirt off the leaves, branches and pots to facilitate daylighting.

  • If you want to make the bonsai pile billet survive this summer, it is enough to do a good job.

    If you want to make the bonsai pile billet survive this summer, it is enough to do a good job.

    What is called bonsai pile blank bonsai pile, and what we call bonsai pile head, can be called the bonsai pile head of the short pile head and some roots of most of the original pile head. The so-called "billet" has not yet been formed and needs careful maintenance. ...

  • How to raise the bonsai of hammer elm

    How to raise the bonsai of hammer elm

    Many bonsai friends buy bonsai, but do not know how to raise bonsai. Although bonsai of nut elm is easy to raise, the survival rate of its downhill pile is not high, especially on the balcony. Some flower friends have summed up some key points of bonsai conservation according to their own years of experience. I hope it can be helpful to flower friends.

  • Key Points for Conservation of Chinese Elm Bonsai

    Key Points for Conservation of Chinese Elm Bonsai

    Elm is also called small leaf elm, belonging to deciduous trees, up to 25 meters tall, elm crown is generally round, its bark is gray or brown, when the winter dry season, elm leaves will turn yellow or red, until the next spring when new leaves begin to grow

  • Scientific fertilization method of tree stump bonsai

    Scientific fertilization method of tree stump bonsai

    The fertilization method of stump bonsai is very important. if you fertilize too much, the branches will grow; if you lack fertilizer, the branches will be thin and weak, the leaves will turn yellow, and you will be vulnerable to diseases and insect pests. So, here are three ways to apply fertilizer scientifically: first, quantity. The principle of applying a small amount of fertilizer to bonsai should be mastered.

  • Cultivation techniques of bonsai in Yingshanhong

    Cultivation techniques of bonsai in Yingshanhong

    Yingshanhong, also known as rhododendron, belongs to the genus Rhododendron of the rhododendron family. It is an evergreen, semi-evergreen or deciduous tree and shrub. It is one of the top ten famous flowers in China. When the spring returns to the earth and the warbler cries the cuckoo, it is when the azaleas are in full bloom, and they are full of flowers, full of spring and pleasing to the eye. Main points of cultivation: 1 picking piles: although Yingshanhong varieties are common

  • South roadside tea manufacturing

    South roadside tea manufacturing

    South roadside tea is a kind of pressed tea produced in Sichuan and sold exclusively in Tibetan areas. In the past, it was divided into six colors: hairy tip, fine bud, Kang brick, gold jade and gold warehouse, but now it is simplified to Kang brick and Jinjian. In the past, it was mainly produced in Ya'an and Leshan, but now it has been expanded to the tea areas of the whole province. in Ya'an, Yibin, Chongqing, Wanxian and other state-owned tea farms (factories) centralized processing. The raw material of south roadside tea is crude and contains some tea stalks. Because of the different processing methods of fresh leaves, Maocha is divided into two kinds: unsteamed and kneaded after killing green leaves.

  • Production and maintenance of the latest grape bonsai

    Production and maintenance of the latest grape bonsai

    Grape pot pile billet culture can use seedling culture or old pile culture. When using seedling culture, we need to reshape it, pick out the heart when the seedling has 3 or 4 leaves, and then culture two or three fruiting branches using the secondary shoots of leaf bud germination, and then on each branch.

    2020-11-10 The latest grapes bonsai production conservation potted plants pile blanks
  • The coverage of proportion in the process of bonsai pile landscape modeling

    The coverage of proportion in the process of bonsai pile landscape modeling

    Bonsai art proportion is appropriate and harmonious, giving people pleasure, so as to obtain aesthetic pleasure; on the contrary, it is difficult to evoke aesthetic resonance. Bonsai shrinks into inches and the inches and feet in the mountains and rivers tell us clearly that there are proportional aesthetic factors in it. Scale is a big concept for pile scene modeling.

  • Material selection and cultivation of White Wax Bonsai

    Material selection and cultivation of White Wax Bonsai

    Ash is a deciduous tree of Oleaceae, which is widely cultivated in China. Like the sun, slightly resistant to shade. It can be propagated by sowing, cutting, ramet and striping propagation. Ash has strong germination, high survival rate and fast growth, so it is a good material for making grafted sweet-scented osmanthus bonsai. Discarded white wax stump can be used.

  • Maintenance and management method of miniature bonsai

    Maintenance and management method of miniature bonsai

    Miniature mini-bonsai although conditioning convenient, but not easy to maintain. Miniature potted plants especially need careful care. Pot soil should always keep moist, to see dry see wet, or with pot immersion irrigation. In summer, place in shade, spray water from a fine hole watering can on the plants to keep them moist. During the growth period, thin fertilizer should be applied frequently

  • What are the cultivation and maintenance methods of tree stumps?

    What are the cultivation and maintenance methods of tree stumps?

    What are the cultivation and maintenance methods of tree stumps? The stump should be planted immediately after digging, and the necessary items, such as nutritious soil, flowerpot, branch shears, etc., should be prepared before planting. Bonsai stumps are generally required to be well drained, permeable, nutritious and rich.

  • The latest method of making miniascape of Buxus tomentosa

    The latest method of making miniascape of Buxus tomentosa

    Buxus microphylla, evergreen shrubs or small trees of Populus tomentosa family, like warm, semi-shaded, humid climate, drought, cold and pruning tolerance, belong to shallow root tree species, slow growth and long life span, and are excellent wood for bonsai production. First, bonsai is propagated by sowing or cutting.

    2020-11-10 The latest lobular boxwood bonsai production method leaflet